Friday, July 16, 2010

Guess who's working here ...

OK, here is a picture of Art and me.  Can you tell who is working and who has just shown up for the picture?

If you guessed me you're wrong.  Not only do I look like I just stepped out of an air conditioned car, but I don't think people with my ever so slight paunch haul beams around all day.

Art if building our barn that we bought from Country Carpenters.

Looking over the plans

Brie has just finished looking over the plans on the ride up to Kent today and looks like she has a few comments.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The First Floor is on it's way!

Wes sent us this photo and said the guys were starting to "fly" with the framing. The 2nd floor deck framing will be delivered today.

p.s. Isn't Wes's pup cute....

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Land

Walking back to the car on Friday, I took this picture of the wall and line of Birch trees .... the house will be great and so will watching the land grow back after we're settled in.

More barn ...

Art was not around, but the Barn is starting to shape up. Here are some pictures of the roof as well as the inside Mortise and Tenon joint work.

Framing is moving along

Well, the basement framing is starting to come together.  I visited with Wes and Lee last Friday and the Framers were just starting on the first floor deck, so I took some pictures of the basement walk out.

Remember a month or so ago when we had so much rock and fill we didn't know where to put it?  All of that is now used up and we have dumped ten or so truck loads of additional fill on the property and plan another ten more.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

So many Tiles, so little Time

Here are some of the Tiles we are looking at for the Laundry and Bathrooms. Comments are welcome!

<- A possiblity for the guest bathroom.

Master Bath: The sand color represents ->
the cement countertop and the slate represents the floor.

Laundry Room ->

Glazed porcelain that looks slate-ish. This photo does not do this justice.

Other ones we like...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Finally Plumbing ...

Well out door plumbing anyway .... now I can go to the site Sunday mornings with my NY Times.

Progress on the Barn

Kim and I visited the site today and met with Lee, Wes and Art, who is constructing our barn.  Lot's to talk about, but my focus was on the barn and how it would look feeding into the slope.  As you can see from the pictures below, great progress has been made.  Up close, the quality of the posts and beams is as promised as is the quality of the workmanship.

There is a bit of an issue with the windows though, and this is all due to the slope.  Left as planned, we would be missing all the windows in the back and two of the windows on the right side.   Lee, Wes, Kim, Art and I stared silently at the barn for a long time ... but then Art perked up and said maybe three small or medium transom windows (a row of small windows) would work in the back.  Everyone thought that would be a much better idea than adding skylights as they evidently always leaked.  That of course left me wondering why we thought that skylights were such a good idea in the first place.

So, it was decided transoms in the back, but we still had only one window on the right side of the barn.  I ventured over to that side of the barn to try and imagine what it would look like.  By the time I got back that problem had been solved as well.  It turns out, that once a foundation is complete, you can alter it a little.  The new plan was to cut out just enough of the foundation wall to make room for the second window on the right side ... and ... now it will match the left.