Saturday, September 19, 2009

Driveway view from the street ... a work in progress

The driveway work has begun. It's going to be about 600' long, and will wind up a hill to the site of the house. Wes, our architect, made some alterations after Jason (who is building our driveway) discovered ledge that either needed to be blasted or filled over. We decided to fill and save the blasting for the house site. We also decided to curve the driveway a little more near the top of the hill. We're hoping the driveway will be done in a week and then we start the design work on the house with Wes.

When we bought the land, we didn't think much about the the driveway or pulling the lines (underground) up to the site. In fact, we didn't think about much other than how much we liked the lot. We're learning now.

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