Friday, January 29, 2010

Another View

Last Saturday night, Kim and I went over to her college friend David's house in Westchester, NY where we enjoyed a dinner cooked up by his wife Nancy.  Their daughter Erin was also there, along with Kim's sister Kelley, her husband Greg and their daughter Mya, who happens to be our God Child.

The Salmon dinner was fantastic, and it turns out that David is a building contractor.  Wow, and we just happened to have the plans for our house in the car, and for some some reason, I just happened to bring them into their house and spread them on the kitchen counter.  David really had no choice, especially after a glass of wine, to give us his view.   Actually, I pounced on him so quickly, after an hour he was still standing next to the plans in his splattered work clothes.

He really liked the design, and being very careful not to bruise my fragile ego, had a few suggestions.  He started talking about beams, rebar, conduits and such, and after my second glass of wine,  he realized that I wasn't retaining any of his advice, so he offered to review the plans during the week and give us a call.

On Thursday, true to his word, David faxed two and a half pages of somewhat legible suggestions which we now had in hand for our meeting with Wes on Friday.  Some of them I vaguely remember from dinner Saturday night, but there were others as well.

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