Sunday, September 26, 2010

We've finally moved in ....

OK, well not exactly moved in, but we've begun to 'Camp' at the sight.  Here's Kim in her natural element enjoying the camp fire.

Robbie also seem to really dig being outside with all his 'Call of the Wild' friends.

Brie is not so sure ... especially when Kim started to flashback to the 'Blair Witch Project' with the noises in the woods.

So with things rustling in the woods, we went up in the barn to turn in.  Kim figured out that if we put our bed on the floor at home, maybe Robbie would snuggle with us.

I got up early to take picture of the sun rising in the back of the house.  I guess I should have put my glasses on the lens of the camera as the picture is about how I saw it without them!

Walls and Stone ....

Two Brothers have just about finished one of the retaining walls and we can now see what the Cultured Stone we selected really looks like. This is a relief as we seem to have gotten one of our back and forth selection processes right!

You can also see the Two Brothers have put the stone on the outside of the chimney on the roof and all that is left now is to put the Blue Stone cap on.

We have windows ...

The framing continues to march forward. Here is a picture of the house last weekend.

With Kim looking on, Robbie is inspecting the window frames, which is the last step before we can have the windows put in.

And yesterday, you can now see the windows are in. 

Strid Brothers have put most of the outside insulation board on and the siding arrives this week and they have a lot of work on the outside before starting the inside. Kim ordered the flooring, so hopefully, it's arrival will time nicely with getting the inside going.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Well ....

Mr. Blandings reared his ugly head today. Connecticut Well was up drilling our Water and Geothermal  wells over the last couple of days. After 400 feet on the Water Well, we only had 2 gallons per minute and the general opinion was to go another 150 feet or so and try and get at least 4 gallons per minute.

Well .... at 600 feet we now have.... and I guess you figured it out by now.... 2 gallons per minute. Evidently there was some discussion about having a bigger reserve now, but I really don't understand that part just yet.  I'm of course envisioning a dripping shower when the dishwasher is running and someone else is washing their hands.

This is a picture of the rig rearing up while drilling one of the three geothermal wells.


Mailbox etc....

We must be getting close to the end if we're looking at mailboxes, right?  Well ... no, not really, but Kim took a break and went shopping for them anyway! We're going with color on the bottom right and it's going to be larger than others we've had as we don't think the postman (postperson?) will be coming up our driveway to deliver packages.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kelley stops by!

Kim's sister Kelley stopped by this afternoon to check out the barn and the progress on the house. Kim was up staining and I was shopping with Mia in White Plains. I found out Kelley stopped by because she sent me an email demanding to be put on the blog. I'm thinking the real reason for her 'stopping by' was to get on the blog, not see the progress. If you look closely at the side of Kelley's car, you can see Two Brothers truck in the reflection. It's Labor Day and Two Brothers are working all day as well as the Framing team and of course KimBrie Staining LLC!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

What great neighbors!

Suzy and Ed, our next door neighbors, emailed us during the week and told us they would come over with lunch. Around noon on Saturday, they arrived in their Gator. We haven't spent full days at the house until the Barn staining project started last Saturday.  As we keep coming up to stain and do other work, it's going to be hard to top the Lunch these guys brought ... hamburgers, hot dogs, kielbasa, pasta Salad, fruit salad, fresh baked cookies, beer, soda, Gatorade.  They even brought candles, a table cloth and silverware wrapped in napkins tied neatly together!  It's going to be hard when we have to switch to Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches next time!
We came up to the site Saturday and the Two Brothers truck was parked in our driveway. These are the guys that are building our chimney, fireplaces and retaining walls.
I went in and introduced myself and the first thing I found out was, that it's not really Two Brothers, it Two Brothers, One Cousin and One Brother In Law. I guess the name was already too established to change. The guys were happy to pose for a picture .....

... as long as we posted a second one showing the company name on the back of their shirt. I guess our blog is starting to gain a reputation as a real go-to site for people who are building houses in Kent and everyone wants to advertise ... or it was a polite way for them to turn their back and go back to work.

To the left is the basement fireplace. It's 18" deep. When I saw how deep it was I ran up stairs to find out how deep the upstairs fireplace was going to be. They told me 24" .... just like in the plan. I got the message.

Two Brothers also built up the wall on the south side of the house and will be putting Blue Stone on top so Lee can then backfill.

And again more septic progress

Lee again made great progress on the septic this week.  You can see the fill is now being lined up and if you look closely, there are drain pipes in the 'special' sand.  Brie seemed to like running up and down on the fill path next to the septic.

The picture on the left is looking down from the basement toward the septic field.  You can see a hole at the bottom of the hill where the septic holding tank is going to be burried.

Here's a close-up of the hole for the holding tank.  Lee said it will be delivered Tuesday or Wednesday.