Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back-filling complete .....

Lee wrapped up back-filling the foundation this week and the house looks much more balanced on the property.  He also spread some mulch, built a few walls and added some top soil.

Here is a picture of Robbie enjoying the crushed stone where the patio will be.  Notice that Lee bordered the patio area with some rocks from our quarry.
And to the left, another picture of the back patio area, but taken from up in the woods.  Kim has spent a lot of time clearing off the ledge around the house and it's really adding a lot of character.

To the right is a shot of the walk out basement area, which will eventually have a small patio about the same size as the graveled area shown.
Here you can see that the area to the right of the barn is now free of the bulldozer that was there for the winter.  It's been cleaned up with some top soil.  We kept a large supply of rocks of course ... not really much choice!

Now, looking at the barn from down on the driveway you can see that we do have some landscaping to be done. Kim just ordered a truckload of mulch, part of which will go over the dirt you see to the right of the barn. Anything to keep out weeds!

On the left side of the house in the front, Lee pushed down the large rocks that make up the retaining wall.  The drop beyond those rocks is pretty steep.
And finally, here is a picture taken as you come up the driveway.  From this angle,  you can see we're missing a tree on the front left side of the house to add balance.
And here is a view from up near the house facing down the driveway.

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