Saturday, October 17, 2009

Design Session Three and Four

Over five days, we had two design sessions with Wes up in Kent. By last Thursday, what had started as a 'Cabin in the Woods' had turned into a full blown house, and we were evaluating three different plans that were 2,800, 2,950 and 3,150 sq ft respectively. We really like the larger plan, which we see below, so we asked Wes to focus on it and start to draw elevations that would give it a 'Lodge' feel for our next meeting, the following Tuesday. Mind you, Wes had listened to us, looked at all the books and pictures we had cut out of magazines and designed a house we were in love with.

When we came back on Tuesday, Wes had laid out some of the furniture so we could see how it would fit in the house and also took, thankfully, the opportunity to start talking round numbers to make sure we were comfortable with the overall spend. I promptly had a mild seizure, and after Kim had escorted me to the car and I starting to regain feeling in my extremities, we decided to contact Wes the next day and say we would be more comfortable if we scaled back the project somewhat. On the way home, Kim was pretty sure she heard me mumble over and over .... 'must move back to Skillman ...must move back to Skillman .....'

Just to complete the picture and for comparison after the next design session, below is the upstairs version of the larger floor plan. Two nice bedrooms and a bath on one side, a loft area in the middle and a storage area on the other side, that is there for future expansion.

He also showed us a more detailed version of what the front elevation could look like. Kim and I really liked the way different gables are used, and now we're more comfortable with the way the house will fit the land, which slopes to the left. Wes see's a nice stone wall on the left, and steps leading down to the walk out basement.


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