Saturday, April 10, 2010

More pictures of dirt

I met with Wes and Lee today at the site.  They have marked the three or four areas that need blasting and have one of the two estimates in.  If all goes well, the blasting should occur late this week or early next.  Either way, I'll be there to watch and perhaps push the button. 

We've decided to blast for a full basement, which is about 10 feet at the high point.  This will also give us material to use for retaining and stone walls.  While we're blasting, we'll also remove the 'hump' in the driveway we left last fall. 

I'm still not able to envision the house within the area cleared, but it looks like there will be some nice rock outcroppings near the house.  Below are some more pictures of the site.  The next post should include some pre and post blasting shots.

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