Sunday, October 31, 2010

Power soon?

We had a 'little' set back on the power front. It turned out that since we were over 400 feet from the transformer and/or we needed 400 AMP service, all bets were off on simply pulling power from the transformer in front of our house. After some back and forth we needed Lee to trench along the road to tap into the Power Station (Street Power) and also put in a second 'Hand Held' (pictured). I'm pretty sure with some zoning changes, we have enough power and lines pulled to support a small village.

While doing the work to finish the trench to bring power to the house (we needed to do this part anyway), Lee hit Ledge. When I got that text from Kim, I took the rest of my calls at work from a fetal position under my desk, and realized the word 'Ledge' triggers a response in me that, depending on timing, may cause me to wet my pants. Fortunately, Scott our neighbor was able and nice enough to bring down a machine he had to hammer away the ledge and the work could finish.

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